“Welcome to the silly world of Funny Harry Potter Names, where magic and mischief mix and puns are everywhere!” The world of J.K. Rowling’s famous series is full of magical characters whose names are just as magical as the spells they cast.
Rowling’s world is full of interesting people, from the halls of Hogwarts to the busy streets of Diagon Alley. Their names range from being cleverly made up to being completely silly.
Funny Harry Potter Names (With Meanings)
- Albus Ponderforth – A forgetful wizard who spends more time pondering than actually casting spells.
- Hermione Granger-Weasley-Snorkack – Hermione’s name expands with every new interest she develops, including the mythical Snorkack.
- Cornelius Fudgeknuckle – Minister of Magic with a knack for getting himself into sticky situations.
- Luna Lovegoodnight – Luna’s peculiar habit of falling asleep at the most inconvenient times.
- Neville Longbottomless – Known for constantly misplacing his bottomless cauldron during potions class.
- Rita Skeeterbug – An unregistered animagus who frequently transforms into a pesky beetle to eavesdrop on conversations.
- Severus Snivelus – Professor Snape’s lesser-known cousin, who’s always sniveling for attention.
- Dolores Umbridgehog – Animagus form of Dolores Umbridge, fittingly resembling a particularly unpleasant hedgehog.
- Rubeus Hagridini – Hagrid’s failed attempts at performing magic often lead to comical mishaps, like accidentally turning himself into a rabbit.
- Gilderoy Lockhartless – A forgetful version of Gilderoy Lockhart who can’t even remember his own name.
- Peeves the Prankstergeist – A mischievous poltergeist known for his endless array of pranks and antics.
- Poppy Pomfreep – Hogwarts’ matronly nurse who insists on healing every ailment with a hearty dose of treacle fudge.
- Argus Filchmop – Filch’s unfortunate mishap with a magical mop leaves him perpetually cleaning the castle’s floors.
- Wanda Wandsworth – A witch with a penchant for mispronouncing spells, often resulting in unexpected outcomes.
- Cedric Diggory-doo – Cedric’s fascination with muggle culture leads him to adopt the catchphrase of a beloved cartoon character.
- Sybill Trelawneyesight – Despite her name, Sybill Trelawney’s predictions are often less than accurate, leading to many eye-rolling moments.
Funny Harry Potter Character Names
- Winky Wobblebottom
- Barnabus Blunderbeard
- Flora Fizzlefop
- Quentin Quibblequack
- Millicent Muddlebrain
- Elmer Egglesnort
- Daphne Ditherwhip
- Percival Puddlefoot
- Beatrice Bumblebuns
- Reginald Ruffleplume
- Prudence Pottypaws
- Mortimer Muddlewort
- Gwendolyn Gigglesnort
- Archibald Applefritter
- Hilda Hiccupple
- Ignatius Ironbottom
- Petunia Pumpernickel
- Bartholomew Bumblebump
- Gertrude Gigglegoose
- Montague Muffinpuff
- Clarissa Clumsyclaw
- Wendell Whifflewand
- Penelope Puddingpants
- Algernon Applesnout
- Priscilla Puffernoodle
- Bernard Bumblebog
- Harriet Hootenanny
- Tobias Tumbletoes
- Constance Cornflake
- Humphrey Hiccupple
- Marigold Muddlewig
- Oswald Oozlebump
- Wilhelmina Wobblewhiskers
- Chester Chortleberry
- Matilda Mischiefmuffin
- Rupert Razzleflap
- Euphemia Egglesnort
- Horatio Hubblebubble
- Ursula Umpalump
- Mortimer Muddleflop
Funny Harry Potter Names for Pets
- Snufflesnort
- Fluffyflop
- Whiskerwiggle
- Purrington Puddlefoot
- Fuzzypuff
- Squeakersnout
- Snickerdoodle Snugglebottom
- Sir Meowington the Third
- Fizzlefurr
- Tinkertail
- Snugglebuns
- Biscuitbounce
- Wigglywhiskers
- Mischiefmallow
- Paws McGraw
- Twinkletoes Tumblefur
- Squigglewig
- Wobblewhisk
- Fiddlefluff
- Snugglekins
- Marshmallow Mischief
- Sprinklepaws
- Nibblesnoot
- Fluffernutter
- Furrball Fizzlepop
- Cuddlesnuggle
- Snickerdoodle Snoots
- Whiskerwig
- Purrington Puffle
- Snugglebug
- Bumblesnout
- Fuzzywump
- Twinkletoes Tumblepaws
- Puddingpaws
- Fluffernoodle
- Snugglebop
- Whiskerwhiffle
- Squeakernose
- Purrfect Puff
- Wigglywhisk
Clever harry potter names
- Merlinius Mirthfulton
- Luminara Lumoslock
- Quixley Quidditchworthy
- Eloise Enchantabella
- Archibald Abracadabrous
- Seraphina Spellsworth
- Percival Ponderpuff
- Isadora Incantatio
- Ambrose Alakazander
- Octavia Ollivandash
- Cosmo Cacklecrow
- Bellatrix Bumblebrew
- Orion Ozspell
- Seraphim Starwhisper
- Marcellus Magicmirth
- Celestia Charmpaws
- Maximilian Mysticalton
- Arabella Apparitionaire
- Horatio Hexhatch
- Aurelia Alacritas
- Caspian Charmcaster
- Delphine Dazzlewind
- Reginald Runesworth
- Euphemia Elixirshine
- Thaddeus Tricklesparks
- Cassandra Cauldroncloud
- Ignatius Incantiflame
- Melisande Moonshadow
- Percival Peculiaris
- Selena Spellbounder
- Orpheus Owlwhisper
- Anastasia Alchemyst
- Barnaby Befuddlebark
- Viola Vanishvellum
- Oberon Ogleflame
- Felicity Fizzlefluff
- Lucinda Lavenderleaf
- Mortimer Muddlebrook
- Seraphina Sorceressa
- Roderick Ravenclatter
Funny Harry Potter Wizard Names:
- Bumblethorp Fluffernutter
- Wanda Wizzlebottom
- Blubberus McWanderson
- Fizzgiggle Wobblepuff
- Snortius Snugglebottom
- Gobsmack McGiggles
- Zonko Zappersnort
- Bunglebum Bumblebore
- Wizzlefizz Wizbang
- Pumpernickel Puffernutter
- Snickerdoodle Sparkletoes
- Tootsie Twinkletoes
- Blunderbuss Bumblebump
- Flapdoodle Fizzlewhizz
- Fizzgig Fluffernutter
- Wobblewhip Wizzlewump
- Bumblebee Bumblebore
- Snorkle Snugglepuff
- Gigglesnort Wizbang
- Whizbang Wobblewhip
- Blubberbump Bumblebore
- Snickerdoodle Snuggletoes
- Wanda Wobblewhip
- Fizzlepop Fluffernutter
- Bumblebump Bumblebore
Funny Made-Up Harry Potter Names:
- Snicklesnort Blunderbump
- Wizzlefizzle Wobbletoes
- Bumblewump Fizzlebottom
- Wobblewhack Wizzlesnort
- Snugglebumble Snickerdoodle
- Fizzlewump Wobblewhip
- Whizbang Wobblefizzle
- Gigglesnort Snickerdoodle
- Bumblewump Bumblebump
- Fizzleflop Flapdoodle
- Wobblewhip Whizbang
- Snickerdoodle Snugglebum
- Wobbletoes Wizzlefizzle
- Bumblebump Blunderbore
- Snorkle Snugglefizzle
- Whizbang Wobbleflop
- Fizzlewhiz Flapdoodle
- Wobblewhack Wizzlesnicker
- Snugglewump Snickerdoodle
- Fizzlewhip Flapdoodle
- Wobblewhiz Wizzleflop
- Bumbleflop Blunderwhiz
- Snickerdoodle Snuggleflop
- Wobblefizzle Wizzlesnort
- Fizzlewhack Flapdoodle
Funny Harry Potter Names for Games:
- Fizzgiggle Fizzlebottom
- Bumbleblast Blunderbump
- Wobblewump Whizbang
- Snickerdoodle Snugglesnort
- Bumbleboing Blunderfizzle
- Whizbang Wobblewhack
- Fizzleflap Flufferbum
- Wobblewinkle Wizzlesnicker
- Snugglewhiz Snickerdoodle
- Bumblebounce Blunderflop
- Wobblewiggle Whizbang
- Snickerdoodle Snuggleblast
- Fizzlefizz Flapdoodle
- Bumblebounce Blunderwhack
- Wobblewiggle Wizzlesnort
- Snickerdoodle Snugglefizzle
- Fizzleflap Flufferwhiz
- Wobblewinkle Wizzlesnort
- Snugglewhiz Snickerdoodle
- Bumbleboing Blunderwhack
- Whizbang Wobblewiggle
- Fizzleflap Flufferflop
- Wobblewinkle Wizzlesnicker
- Snickerdoodle Snuggleflap
- Bumblebounce Blunderfizzle
Weird Harry Potter Names:
- Xanadu Xylowhisp
- Quibbly Quirkwaddle
- Flibbertigibbet Fuzzleflop
- Zazzle Zibblywump
- Groggle Grumbleflap
- Mungo Mufflemuddle
- Dingleberry Dizzlesnort
- Quagmire Quizzlenook
- Squibbly Squigglewump
- Wizzlewuzzle Whimperwump
- Snortle Snickerdoo
- Wobblewabble Whimsywump
- Blippery Blubberwhisp
- Piffle Pufflenook
- Quibble Quagglenook
- Sniggle Snuggleflump
- Wiffle Wobblewhisp
- Quirkle Quizzlenook
- Fizzlewhizzle Fuzzleflump
- Boggle Bumblewump
- Snortle Snickerdoo
- Wobblewabble Whimsywump
- Blippery Blubberwhisp
- Squiffle Squabblewump
- Quibble Quagglenook
Famous Names in Harry Potter:
- Harry Potter
- Hermione Granger
- Ron Weasley
- Albus Dumbledore
- Severus Snape
- Lord Voldemort
- Sirius Black
- Remus Lupin
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Draco Malfoy
- Neville Longbottom
- Minerva McGonagall
- Rubeus Hagrid
- Ginny Weasley
- Luna Lovegood
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Dolores Umbridge
- Lucius Malfoy
- Alastor Moody
- Cedric Diggory
- James Potter
- Lily Potter
- Nymphadora Tonks
- Arthur Weasley